5 Week Old Feeding Frenzy

Dec 28, 2012  Re: Any suggestions for feeding a 5 week old puppy? Post by crazyred » Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:11 pm I had a kitten like that, in the end I had to wean him on raw chicken as it was the only thing he showed any interest in. 3 week old formula fed baby - does this count as a 'hungry baby' (18 Posts) Add message. He weighed 8lb 13 oz at birth and last week was 9.5lbs. DS1 was also a larger baby (9lb 3 at birth) and he needed aptamil hungry baby from about 6 weeks. She cried an awful lot and seemed terribly cross, like she was in a feeding frenzy TBH. Feeding Frenzy is free to download from our software library. The program's installer files are generally known as FeedingFrenzy.exe, FeedingFrenzy2.exe, Feeding Frenzy 2.exe, Feeding FrenzyTM.exe or GH-FeedingFrenzy.exe etc. The most popular versions among the software users are 5.7, 2.9 and 2.8.

  1. Feeding Frenzy Play Free
  2. 5 Week Old Feeding Frenzy Video
  3. 5 Week Old Feeding Schedule

Two weeks in, and we seem to be doing ok. I have managed to get both children up, dressed, fed and out the door by 9am twice this week by myself. I’m expecting my medal any day now.

My husband is taking a bit of a staggered paternity leave so this has obviously meant me having to negotiate handling a three and a half year old who adores her new brother, but who is also learning how to share her mum for the first time. We have had mixed results…

As well as table graffiti and cereal tantrums my daughter also decided she would refuse to take part in a single race at her sports day, despite her practising for weeks on end. But rather than getting frustrated or angry at this whilst I sat between the other proud parents watching all their children partake, I did what most early postnatal women do and I just cried my little heart out. So much so that another mum had to come and console me on the side lines – mortifying!

So I am therefore concluding that my postnatal feeding hormones have kicked in this week. Not only because of the irrational teary outbursts but because I am absolutely ravenous. I feel like the hungry caterpillar; on Monday Claire ate one giant bar of Dairy Milk, on Tuesday she had two peanut butter and banana sandwiches (at 4am!) and on Wednesday she devoured 3 platefuls at the Pizza Hut buffet – seriously!

But I am in good company, as Rowan has also found his appetite this week. After initially losing weight on day 5 (a very normal, physiological part of early newborn life, a post to follow on this) he was weighed this week and he is 300 grams above his birth weight. He put on 10 ounces in 4 days – chunk!

It is always so reassuring as a mum to find out your baby is thriving and gaining weight well. This is especially true I find when women are breastfeeding. It is extremely common in our society for breastfeeding mothers to question ‘whether they have enough milk’. And unfortunately frequent feeding is often misinterpreted as a sign of insufficient milk supply. I totally understand why, though. If women are brought up to believe that babies feed every 3-4 hours and that the clock plays such an important role in feeding (duration, intervals, sleep), and then their babies come out wanting to feed every 1-2 hours, sometimes with gaps of no longer than 5-10 minutes and lasting occasionally over an hour, they will naturally deem their child to be starving.


Some babies will feed every 3-4 hours but most babes certainly will not. That is why ‘baby led’ feeding or ‘responsive feeding’ is so important. Neither your mother, your neighbour, your midwife, and especially not Gina Ford, knows how regularly YOUR baby will want to feed, but luckily your baby will. So follow your baby’s lead and feed them whenever they show signs of being hungry. This way your baby and boobs will be in sync.

For the purpose of the blog and to hopefully give mums a ‘normal’ perspective of a healthy, breastfed, newborn’s feeding pattern I have recorded Rowan’s feeds over the past 24 hours.

  • 22:20 8 minutes right breast
  • 22:30 8 minutes left breast
  • 22:47 7 minutes left breast
  • 01:06 9 minutes right breast
  • 01:29 5 minutes left breast
  • 02:57 6 minutes left breast
  • 03:04 5 minutes right breast
  • 04:38 7 minutes left breast
  • 06:29 7 minutes right breast
  • 07:00 5 minutes left breast
  • 08:09 3 minutes right breast
  • 08:55 4 minutes left breast
  • 09:02 3 minutes left breast
  • 09:37 8 minutes right breast
  • 09:55 4 minutes right breast
  • 11:31 6 minutes right breast
  • 11:39 8 minutes left breast
  • 12:55 9 minutes left breast
  • 14:35 15 minutes right breast
  • 16:05 10 minutes left breast
  • 17:05 8 minutes right breast
  • 18:55 9 minutes left breast
  • 19:20 6 minutes right breast
  • 19:42 6 minutes right breast
  • 19:58 3 minutes right breast
  • 20:18 4 minutes left breast

He’s a feeder!

Counting each individual episode at the breast that is 26 feeds in just one 24-hour period. I honestly had no idea that Rowan actually fed this often. But this schedule is HIS very own ‘baby led’ feeding log. It’s a boring read, I am well aware, but hopefully mums can take away from this that frequent feeding is often NOT a sign of low milk supply. You can also see from the feeding log that not one of Rowan’s feeds lasted longer than 15 minutes, and that I am rubbish at remembering which breast I fed off last.

Miraculously in between all this feeding I still managed to take my daughter to and from preschool, care for my new son, let our cleaner in (I’m such a trooper) and obviously I made time for a food shop.

**Sneaks off to the cupboard for a late night bowl of Rice Krispies. Or two.**


by Jamie

My daughter is 5 weeks old and she is fussy, has 8-10 loose and smelly stools, difficulty sleeping, and cries for long periods of time. She is acting like she wants to eat more in a feeding but it’s hard to get her to latch on to the bottle.

Any thoughts?

Baby Help Line:

Tips For Fussy Newborn Baby

Congratulations on your little daughter! All new babies are different, some sleep for long periods of time, others have lots of little naps, very frequent feeds and seem to be awake for long periods of time. In general, the younger the baby, the shorter the sleep cycle, which is why so many newborn babies catnap a lot. You can learn about baby sleep patterns at different ages here.

When you think about it, your little one has been happily safe and sound inside you, every need taken care of, and now out in a big wide world full of everything new and having to figure out how to communicate her needs to you it is a real challenge (for you both!).

Feeding Frenzy Play Free

Babies cry because they need you, it isn’t being fussy, it is her way of letting you know she is uncomfortable, hungry, lonely, has a tummy or headache. Your baby is so young, the best thing you can do is have her with you as much as you possibly can, in fact if she is unhappy, often skin contact is the most soothing thing (and Dad can tuck a baby inside their shirts too!) You can learn about more ways to soothe a baby here.

You say you are bottle feeding, and I suspect that is what she is struggling to cope with. For many reasons, breastfeeding doesn’t work for all Mom’s, but breast milk is the ideal for a new baby’s digestion. I suspect her little tummy is still pretty immature and she is struggling to digest the formula. That would probably explain the stools and her discomfort. She might cope better with more frequent, smaller bottles. You could talk with your Health Nurse or Pediatrician as to trying a different formula, some babies do better on Soy formulas for example.

You are both getting used to feeding and bottles, although convenient take a bit of getting used to for many new babies. You can experiment with different teats on the bottle, she may prefer one with bigger holes. To be fair, breastfeeding often takes weeks to figure out for mom and baby too!

At this young age it is all really an experiment to figure out what suits your baby, and what suits your lifestyle – there are no set rules. Babies pick up on Mom’s stress too, so if you are feeling anxious or worrying about going back to work for instance, your little one will be picking up on your stress. Try to relax and just enjoy her as much as you can, before you know it she’ll be off to school and you will wonder where the time went!

Studies show that 6 weeks is actually the peak in amount of time spent crying for newborn baby unless they develop colic; after that the time spent crying slowly starts to fall as the baby grows and matures. I actually think 6 weeks is the peak of Mom’s and Dad’s crying too although I haven’t seen any studies on that. It can be a very exhausting time! Things do get easier and better.

Warm wishes and good luck with your new baby,

5 Week Old Feeding Frenzy Video


5 Week Old Feeding Schedule

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