Feeding Frenzy Eso

Several people have already pointed out the problem with vamp feeding and Blade of Woe being bound to the same synergy button. This causes serious problems during DB missions when an assassination attempt turns into an unplanned feeding frenzy, resulting in broken stealth, immobility, bounties, and loss of current vampire stage. ZOS has responded that distance is the key, but that is not an acceptable solution when NPC's move and the fact of the matter is that the action does not always toggle correctly according to distance. Some folks have offered mods to fix this, but mods are not an option for console users. I suspect that part of the resistance from ZOS to actually fixing this problem is due to the console controls having very little wiggle room to add new functionality. This is an understandable hesitation, but I would like to offer the following solution for the devs to consider:
(1) Remove the ability to emote while crouching.
(2) When crouching, replace the emote menu (Right D-pad on consoles) with a new 'Crouch Action' menu wheel.
(3) This menu would allow users to toggle their current crouch action between Pickpocket, Feed, and Blade of Woe.
(4) The current crouch action would be bound to the Interact button instead of the Synergy button!
This solution also simultaneously solves the occasional problem on console of accidentally executing a move instead of feeding/assassinating. I hope you'll consider this easy fix to a major inconvenience for a lot of players.

Feeding Frenzy Esophageal

Feeding Frenzy Eso

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Feeding Frenzy Eso 4

Yes another Vampire Thread.
First off I fully agree with anyone that thinks that Vampires are a very powerful option and brings some very useful options to most builds and therefore my issue with Vampires may require some other draw back to be introduced for balance but Vampire Feeding needs to be redesigned.
Firstly the animation and the nature of the feeding is strange, I sneaky sneak up behind someone and rather than grab them in my super human embrace I some how pull the blood out of them in a channel ability that is very aggressive and noticable for any of their friends around. Either its a sneak attack and I have to be hidden and right behind them or its a spell that pulls blood in massive waves out of them. I appreciate this isn't the recently cancelled world of darkness MMO and much is done in the terms of balance but it feels like this power is confused with what it wants to be. I dream of getting up behind that lone travel sinking my fangs into their neck tacking what I need then sneaking off leaving them dazed and confused. If instead its a blood draw spell then I can see that but why sneaking up behind them and getting close to cast a spell?
Secondly and my major issue that needs to be evaluated is the feed times. 30 minutes from stage 1 to 2 is far far far too short given this is a massive multiple online roleplaying game filled with people and wonderfully involved dialogue. I have started some of the quests having just feed and before I have got through the talking I am already moving into stage 2. It encourages skipping through the dialogue and not asking additional questions which turns the Vampire class into a power grinding addition which I think is a shame and the wrong way to go. They are going to be over populated but when thats accepted they add a lot to the world and it would be a shame for everyone that plays one to feel they have to rush through dialogue and books and other things because they are constantly racing the clock.
The other issue with the feed time is that it makes playing in a group more difficult if you constantly have to ask people to wait while you go and feed. Some areas there just isn't anything you can feed on and often as not if you are moving through an area with others they don't appreciate why you are trying to sneak up behind someone and why being a fraction of a degree off you can't angle the feed and the sneak. It encourages Vampires to be solo play, which I get playing the lone killer who hunts his prey through the night. Wonderful for any of the Elder Scroll games that are single player but as an MMO goes some what missing the fun.
This leads to the final issue with the feed times is that being an MMO its full of other people that you have no control over. I have often been sneaking up behind someone when another person comes charging in and engaging them, the feed is ruined and now all behind is 'cleared' and all infront will have my new comrade engaging it long before I can sneaky sneak sneak up to it. And even should I explain what I am trying to do and they understand and offer not to engage till I have feed there is the next person and the next and the next. It makes feeding on a quest almost impossible and thats providing the area has mobs in such a way that you can feed. Cause while there maybe plenty of walking blood sources flying through disrupting the feeding you can't feed on other players.
Which is a very valid design choice as we are an MMO and its about other peoples enjoyment as well but the limited options on feeding have to be considered with any decision on when to move from one stage to the next. Towns are full of people that can't be feed on, turns out animal blood is no good, I don't known about Dedra I am having a hell of a time trying to feed on them but that could just be any number of other issues in cold harbour. So to have a fairly limited feed pool by design and then to have a very tight time line between stages could have a negative effect on both the players experience and what being a Vampire leads to.
For while Vampires maybe immortal and live forever players are not and a 30 minute feed schedule and the issues outline can make it problematic. It can detract from walking round towns talking to people enjoying the flavour of the towns and quests and can make any questing best done solo to allow sneaking up on people. I appreciate this is a long post and feeding is a necessary price of immortality but I feel that it needs to be in keeping with questing and social aspect of elder scrolls online and not in conflict with it.