Feeding Frenzy Newborn

Newborn cluster feeding is a temporary thing and learning to work around it and accept it, will help you enjoy your breastfeeding experience more. Infant cluster feeding can work to the advantage of mothers who are returning to work, as babies who cluster feed, usually sleep longer at night.

  1. Feeding Frenzy Newborns

Table Of Contents

  • What to do to stop your baby crying while eating
Feeding Frenzy Newborn


Baby crying while eating

Baby crying while eating ? This is a single question that puzzles many mums when their child suddenly begins to scream while feeding. Often, figuring out the reason as to this scenario is quite difficult. It could be the method of feeding that is causing the whole trouble.

For instance the feeding bottle you are using does not let down the milk as fast as the baby is eager to suck. Sometimes the baby could be constipating which leads to lack of appetite by the baby and therefore she is crying to express displeasure.

Feeding Frenzy Newborn

This article is going to cover in depth the signs that would signal you when your baby is about to develop this habit, potential reasons behind a crying baby during feeds and the possible solutions that can help you stop the baby’s habit of crying when feeding.

Indicators that your baby is likely to cry while feeding

Feeding Frenzy Newborn
  • When you observe either of the following signs before or during feeding, then note that your baby is likely to start crying in the middle of feeding.
  • Beginning to wriggle when placed at a feeding position or when he or she sees his or her feeding bottle or food.
  • Facing away from the food when presented to.
  • Refusing to open the mouth while trying to present the food.
  • Taking a single ounce only and refusing any more.
  • Holding the feeding bottle in the mouth but not sucking. When feeding with solid food, the baby takes a spoonful but refuses to swallow.
  • Pouring milk from the mouth.
  • Feeding a very slow rate.
  • Behaving like he has been choked by food then spluttering food or milk.

Reasons why a baby crying while eating

  1. Feeding the baby when not hungry. Young babies are at oral stage which means that they like sucking everything they come across without the desire to feed. Many mothers will mistake this for hunger and thus begin to feed the baby when exhibits such behaviour and because the child wasn’t hungry he would suck a little milk before refusing. If you insist on feeding more, the baby would begin to cry.
  2. Over estimating the amount of food or milk the baby should take. The baby will consume the amount of food he or she needed, but you will then insist on feeding until he or she finishes the food or milk you had presented to. This will upset the baby and begin to cry because you are forcing to take more than he or she is willing.
  3. The type of feeding equipment you are using. A good feeding bottle should have a nipple of a suitable size and should be soft. It should be fast in letting down the milk and at significant amounts. When the sucking nipple is inappropriate the baby will experience difficulties in feeding and gets frustrated thus begins to cry while feeding.
  4. Failure to recognize the baby’s feeding pattern. Some babies have a habit of feeding in small bits after a short period of time during which he or she takes a single or half an ounce. Busy mums may not realize or do not like this and they would want to alter the baby’s pattern to suit their work schedules. This will make you force the child to eat more than he or she desires at a time and this would make him or her cry during a feed as he or she does not want more of the food at that time.
  5. Too much feeding at night. Often, you will feed your child as many times as possible including the night time because you want him or her to put on weight and grow up quickly. However, the truth is that night time feeding will have a negative impact on the amount of food that your child will consume during the day. Mothers will not realize this and they will expect the child to consume a lot. Trying to have the baby feed more will upset him or her and begin to cry as you offer more food.
  6. Introducing solid feeds to the baby’s feeding programme too early. Generally it is recommended that a baby should feed on mum’s milk until six months old. Solid food has been established to have a negative impact on the baby’s appetite for milk. Therefore you will realize that the baby refuses to drink the milk and keep on crying when you present milk because of the solid feeds you are offering.
  7. Feeding your baby when he or she is too tired. When the baby is tired, he or she feels like sleeping while you are presenting the feed and will start crying because he or she wants to sleep.
  8. Feeding the baby in a distractive environment where there are other children playing around or a television showing cartoons is on. The baby’s attention will be drawn away from food by these activities going on around him or her. He or she would then cry because you are interfering with what has already won his or her interest.

What to do to stop your baby crying while eating

  1. Adhere to the baby’s feeding pattern.
  2. Feed the baby before he or she goes to play so as to avoid feeding the baby when too tired.
  3. Ensure there are no distractions during the time of feeding the baby. Switch off the television if possible. En sure there are no children playing within the baby’s sight.
  4. Ensure to choose a proper feeding equipment for your baby; soft nipple and fast in letting down.
  5. Avoid solid feeds for your baby until the age of six months or use very little solid feeds if you must.
  6. Follow the recommended feed estimates for your baby with respect to age and weight so as to avoid feeding the baby too much than he or she needs.

This article has highlighted most of the things that might have been occasioning your baby to cry while eating. As a mother or a baby care taker, you are advised to pay attention to the solutions offered so as to stop struggling feeding a crying baby rather enjoy feeding a happy baby.

Feeding Frenzy Newborns

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